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Missing Melissa (Rivers End Ranch Book 27) Page 3
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"How do you take your coffee?" Melissa was about to sit and realized she hadn't offered him milk or sugar.
"I'm good, I drink it black. Thank you for this." Jack dug into his eggs and they ate quietly. Jack finished first and brought his plate to the kitchen sink, rinsed it and put it in the dishwasher. Melissa was impressed. Cooper never would have done that.
"Help yourself to more coffee," she said. There was still half a pot left.
He did and sat back down at the table. Melissa was still nibbling on a piece of toast when Jack leaned forward with a gleam in his eye.
"I have an idea. You might think it's kind of crazy, but hear me out."
"Okay." Melissa was feeling decidedly calmer now that it was morning. She was half-convinced that Melanie had it all wrong and Cooper was anywhere but here. It just looked so calm and peaceful outside, in Riston in general. It was hard to imagine that changing. But she frowned to herself as she admitted she knew well how quickly things could change and that appearances could be so very deceiving.
"So, here's what I'm thinking. If this guy is on his way here, he's going to be pretty determined to see you and he probably wants to try and convince you that he's changed, that it will never happen again and that he loves you madly."
"It doesn't matter. I'll never go back to him."
"I know that, and you know that. But he clearly hasn't accepted it. And if he shows up here and you're still single, he's going to think he has a chance. What if you're not single?"
"Oh, I see what you mean. Are you suggesting that you pretend to be my boyfriend?"
"Better than that. I'm proposing that we get married."
Melissa set down the coffee cup that she'd been about to sip from.
"Married? Are you serious?"
"As a heart attack. A marriage of convenience, a fake marriage…though no one but us needs to know it's fake. We can go to town hall first thing this morning, get married, go to work and then get out of dodge this weekend for our 'honeymoon'."
"Honeymoon? Where would we go?"
"How about Seattle? That's only a six or seven hour drive, depending on traffic. Have you been there before?"
"No, not yet."
"It's a great city. We can stay in Woodinville, just north of Seattle. That's wine country. Chateau St. Michelle, Columbia Crest and a bunch of smaller places. We can have dinner at the Herb Farm, if we can get in. We'll go to Pike Place Market and to the top of the Space Needle. It will be fun to play tourist."
Melissa’s head was spinning. It was hard to wrap her head around the possibility that Cooper was heading her way. And it was harder still to get excited about a honeymoon for a fake marriage. She knew Jack meant well though.
"That does sound fun, but I don't know about getting married. That seems pretty drastic. Really not fair to you to take that on. Though it's amazing for you to offer."
"We can easily get divorced as soon as he gives up and goes back to Boston. If he shows up here and learns you're married and on your honeymoon, he has to move on. If you're single, he could be a real problem. If I’m just staying here as your boyfriend or friend he’s not going to take that seriously."
Melissa started to feel a tension headache coming on at the thought of dealing with Cooper. She said nothing. Her gut told her that Melanie was right and that Cooper was on his way to Riston, and might even already be here for all she knew. She didn't feel right about bringing Jack into her drama to this extent, though. Marriage was too much. She opened her mouth, about to say so, when Jack spoke first.
"I know it's crazy. But I swear to you, I don't mind. I'm happy to do it. You'll be doing me a favor, actually."
Melissa laughed. "How do you figure that?"
"Well, I've been wanting to remodel my kitchen ever since I moved into my place but I've put it off, not wanting to deal with living in a construction zone. If I have somewhere else to stay, I have no excuse. It's the perfect opportunity, really."
Melissa didn't quite know what to say to that. Jack was crazy, but in a good way.
"Just say yes. It will be an adventure. We can swing by my place on the way to town hall this morning so I can pick up my mother's ring. She wanted me to have it for whoever I married some day."
Melissa felt both touched and panicked at the same time at the thought of wearing a ring that had such sentimental value. "I'll return it as soon as we end things," she said.
"So, is that a yes? We'll have a ball this weekend in Seattle. And when we come back, if he's in the area, you'll be a happily married woman, and he can crawl back to Charlestown or Boston or wherever he lives."
She took a deep breath. "Okay, it's a yes. I can't thank you enough for this. I'll have to get some additional coverage for the shop on Saturday but that shouldn't be a problem."
"Fantastic. Let's go get married."
Melissa followed Jack to his house, which was small but very cute. It was conveniently located close to downtown and the police station. As they walked toward his front door, Melissa heard movement inside his house.
"Do you like dogs?" Jack asked as he opened the door and held it wide for her to step inside.
"I love them." Melissa liked all animals, cats and dogs. She was planning to get a cat for herself but wanted to make sure she was going to be staying in the area first. She'd actually been thinking of visiting the local shelter in the next week or two.
"Good, so you won't mind if I bring Roger to your house when we get back? He's a good boy. We've been together for eight years now. Bernie's going to watch him for the weekend."
"You've already talked to her?" Melissa hadn't said anything to Bernie about her ex, so she guessed this might come as a shock.
"I gave her the short version. She tried to talk me out of it at first, but I won her over and she and David are meeting us at town hall to be our witnesses."
"Oh. Okay."
"She understands and is fine with it, so don't feel funny about anything."
"All right."
Jack walked into his office and pulled a small box out of one of his desk drawers. He tucked it in his pocket and turned back to Melissa.
"I'll be down in five. Going to jump in the shower and change, but I'll be fast."
And he was. Melissa relaxed at the kitchen table, patting Roger occasionally as he slept curled up at her feet. He was a handsome German Shepherd and he seemed to accept her immediately, which pleased her. Dogs and cats usually took to her quickly, probably sensing that she was an animal lover. She was giving the back of his ears a scratch when Jack walked into the room, with damp hair and wearing his police uniform.
"Ready to go?"
"Ready as I'll ever be."
Melissa followed Jack to the town hall, where they filled out the necessary paperwork. As soon as Bernie and David appeared, they served as witnesses and before she knew it, the judge announced that Melissa and Jack were married. "You may kiss your bride now."
Jack leaned in and pressed his lips lightly against hers. His touch was quite pleasant but didn't last long at all. The kiss was over in an instant. Bernie's expression was a mix of confusion, excitement and worry, which pretty much mirrored how Melissa was feeling along with a heavy dose of irritation at Cooper for putting her in this position.
"So, I guess congratulations are in order?" Bernie said with a smile.
"Melissa Jennings does have a nice ring to it, you have to admit," Jack said.
David laughed and then glanced at his watch. "I have to run. Enjoy your honeymoon."
"I have to go, too. Busy day today. Drop Roger off anytime later today."
"Will do."
As they all walked out together, Bernie pulled Melissa aside. "Are you really okay with this? Jack told me about your ex and the restraining order. I had no idea."
"I know. I was hoping that I'd never have to mention it."
"Well, you'll be safe with Jack. He won't let anything happen to you. Hopefully this guy will head back to Boston as soon as he sees that you've m
oved on."
"I hope so."
Chapter 4
"You got married?!" Melissa had to hold her phone away from her ear until her sister calmed down and lowered her voice a few notches.
"I know it sounds crazy."
"How well do you even know this guy? What if you've traded one bad situation for another?" Melissa knew Melanie was just concerned for her well being, but she knew she didn't have to worry about Jack. Not in that way.
"Jack's a cop. It doesn't get much safer than that."
"Cops can be abusers, too. It's common enough."
"Not Jack. I think you'd really like him. And I do know him. He's Bernie's brother and we had a good time hanging out at Wade's wedding."
"Oh, it's that Jack. I didn't make the connection right away." Melanie was quiet for a moment before adding, "Sounds to me like he may be interested in you. No one goes above and beyond like this for just anyone."
That caught Melissa off guard. "Oh, it's not like that at all. There is nothing romantic between us. Jack and I are just friends. He's a really good sport to do this for me."
She told Melanie about how Jack wanted to get his kitchen renovated. It had made sense when Jack explained it earlier.
But Melanie sounded amused as she said, "So, you're off for your honeymoon this weekend. A romantic weekend in Seattle. What was the name of that restaurant you mentioned in Woodinville?"
"The Herb Farm, I think he said."
Melissa could hear her sister tapping away on her computer. The bookstore was empty and Melissa was sitting behind the counter, sipping her coffee and waiting for her first customers to walk through the door.
"Okay, wow. Did you look this place up?" Melanie said excitedly.
Melissa laughed. "No, I haven't exactly had time to research restaurants."
"Well, this one is nationally known. I thought the name sounded familiar. According to the website, there's usually a two-month wait for a reservation. It looks amazing, a perfect special occasion kind of place, great for a real honeymoon."
"Well, I'm sure we won't get in, then. And he probably has no idea it's like that. I'll suggest we go get pizza or something."
"Don't be ridiculous. If you have a chance to go there, go. And then tell me all about. I'll live vicariously through you." Melanie was a foodie and was going through a dry spell dating-wise. She'd broken up with her last boyfriend almost a year ago and hadn't dated much since. Melissa looked up as the front door chimes jingled.
"I have to go, someone's coming in the store. I'll call you when we get back."
A tall, skinny man who looked to be around forty or so wandered into the store and went straight to the fantasy section. A few minutes later, he was at the counter with the newest George R. R. Martin Game of Thrones book.
"Do you watch the TV series, too? I haven't read the books yet, but just started watching the series a few weeks ago. I have a lot of catching up to do," Melissa said as she ran his credit card.
"I do. I've watched it since the beginning. You really should read the books, too. They're better, of course."
"They usually are," Melissa agreed as she handed him back his card and slid his book into a paper bag. Then something occurred to her. The name on his credit card was Joshua and his description matched what Jaclyn had told her.
"Are you Jaclyn's nephew Joshy?"
He looked embarrassed at the nickname. "I am. Most people call me Joshua though. And you're Melissa, right? Melissa Jennings? My aunt told me about everyone here."
"No, it's Melissa Winchester, actually. Oh, wait. I guess it is Melissa Jennings now. I just got married. But I wonder how Jaclyn knew?"
He smiled. "My aunt seems to know just about everything about everyone. She can't help herself. I still adore her, though."
"Well, it seemed as though the feeling is mutual. She was singing your praises as well. It's very nice to meet you."
"You too, and congratulations on your wedding."
Joshua left and Anna and Joey, the ranch's lifeguard, walked through the door together. They almost looked like brother and sister. Both of them were tall and blonde, and about the same age.
"Joey's here for the latest Ironman magazine," Anna said as she led him over to the display stand.
"Morning, Melissa," Joey said as he grabbed the magazine and another on weight building, and Anna quickly rang him up and they both watched as he walked out.
"Are you sure he's not your type, Anna? He seems like a nice guy and you don't see six-pack abs like that very often." Joey was in great shape—not an ounce of fat on him, but plenty of lean muscle and a perfect golden tan.
"He's pretty to look at, I'll agree with that. But I have my eyes set on someone else," Anna said mysteriously.
"Oh, who's that? Does he work at the ranch?"
"He might. I don't want to say anything yet. I don't want to jinx myself. But I'll keep you posted on any further developments."
Melissa laughed. "Okay, you do that. Oh, and do you mind closing up tomorrow? Katherine will be in most of the day, too, to help out if it gets busy." Saturdays were usually steady at the shop.
Anna looked at her in surprise. "You want me to close up? Alone?"
"You won't be alone. Katherine will be here too."
"Right, but I mean, putting the money in the safe and all. Without you here?"
"I'll go through it with you when we close up today. I think you're ready to take this on and I won't be here. I'll be in Seattle."
"Yes, we're leaving tonight." Melissa took a deep breath. She knew she had to get used to saying this. "Jack and I got married this morning and we're going away this weekend for our honeymoon."
Anna's jaw dropped. "I did not see that coming at all."
Melissa smiled. "Neither did I."
At two thirty, Melissa left the shop in the capable hands of Anna and drove home to pack a bag quickly. Jack had called at noon and asked if she could leave earlier as he had someone who could cover the last few hours of his shift. If they left by three, they could catch a five thirty flight from Lewiston to Seattle and be in the city a little over an hour later. They'd have all evening to explore, then, instead of spending it driving. That had sounded fun to Melissa, too, and she quickly showed Anna how to close up the shop and gave her the code to the safe.
The house was quiet when she got home and she locked the door firmly behind her as usual, and then ran upstairs to pack what she'd need for the weekend. It didn't take her long. She threw in her favorite jeans, a few cute tops and an all-purpose little black dress and strappy heels in case they went anywhere more formal for dinner. She was just brushing her teeth when she heard Jack's truck pull into the driveway. She ran a brush through her hair, slicked on some lip balm and carried her bag downstairs. The knock on the door came just as she reached the bottom step, and even though she was certain it was Jack, she still peeked out a side window just to be certain.
"Are you ready to go, Mrs. Jennings?" Jack teased her as she swung the door open wide.
"I'm ready."
Jack grabbed her bag and she followed him out to his truck. Traffic heading to the airport wasn't too bad and they made it there a little before four thirty, perfect timing for their five thirty flight.
"I love short flights like this," Jack said once they were on the plane and cleared for takeoff. "As soon as you reach cruising altitude, it's almost time to prepare for landing. And we'll have all night to explore. I booked us a room with two beds at the Inn at the Market. It's right by Pike's Place so we can go there and wander around and then have dinner wherever we feel like it."
"That sounds great to me."
"And in the morning, I thought we'd check out the Space Needle. Then take a drive to Woodinville to tour the vineyards and have dinner tomorrow night at the Herb Farm. I got us a reservation at seven."
Melissa was impressed. "You managed to get us into the Herb Farm? I told my sister you mentioned the possibility and she said it's hard to
get in there on short notice."
Jack grinned. "She's right. It's next to impossible. But my best friend from college, Chris, is a manager there. He always told me to call anytime and he could find room for me."
"Have you been there before?"
"Once. You'll like it."
Before she knew it, they were on the ground in Seattle and at the car rental counter. Jack had called ahead to reserve a car for them and it was ready when they arrived. The airport was only about a half hour or so to downtown Seattle and they arrived at their hotel a little past seven. Melissa was glad to see that their room was big with two queen-sized beds, just as Jack and said. They dropped their bags and then made their way outside and walked the short distance to Pike's Place market.
Melissa had heard about the market and was curious to see the fish tossing that everyone talked about. But they discovered when they reached the market that all the shops were closed for the day.
"We'll have to come back for coffee in the morning and check it all out then. Let's head to dinner. There's a bunch of restaurants in the area."
They walked a few blocks and decided after looking at the menu to eat at the Steelhead Diner. It was a cozy restaurant, but the menu was anything but diner fare.
"My sister would love this menu. She's such a foodie," Melissa said after they'd ordered drinks and were trying to decide what to get.
"She likes to cook? Or just go out to eat?"
"Both, actually. She's a much better cook than me, but I do like to eat out and try different things."
"I like to cook. I'm pretty good at it, or so I've been told," Jack said with a grin. "I don't get to do it all that often, though."
"Well, you can practice on me if you get the urge. I'll eat just about anything."
They finally made their decisions and put their order in when their waiter returned and set down their drinks—a glass of Chardonnay for Melissa and a local draft beer for Jack. Their appetizers looked amazing when the waiter returned a short while later and set them down.